2025 Event Schedule Preview
Workshop & Events Dates will be listed at the start of 2025. Place yourself on an interest list as these seminars always fill up quickly. We will contact you directly when we know dates and before we publish them on the website.

Deep Relaxation ~ Anytime, Anyplace
When you join us at this daily workshop, you'll experience, feel, and learn how simple it is to swiftly transport yourself into a realm of deep peace and relaxation. It all starts in your mind. We provide you with practical, life-long skills to place yourself in a serene, relaxed state within minutes.
You'll never again hear from someone to: "Just Relax!" or "Chill Out!"
Your thoughts, body, and soul will thank you for this essential self-care for everyone.

Living a Law of Attraction Life
There is no secret to Living a Law of Attraction Life. Step beyond reading the books and learn how to apply LOA principles to attract the things you desire into your life.
Knowing precisely what you want, then using the techniques with discipline and tapping into the power between your ears will amaze you!

Receiving Pleasure, Relieving Pain
Discover and experience how to use your mind to enhance your pleasure and alleviate emotional pain, putting the power in your hands.
Your brain has neuro-pathways that create pleasure and pain, releasing signals and chemicals to your body. As with all of our programs, you will experience psychosomatic responses. Psycho = your mind. Soma = your body!
This workshop is about total focus on you and the variety of elements that make you feel good.

Unstoppable Confidence
When people tell you, “Don’t be selfish!” they offer detrimental advice to your health and wellness. Self Confidence is Self Mastery!
This program is all about you and how important it is for you to be your Number One Believer and Boss of You!
Learn about positive self-programming and how to install it in your daily life to build you up and create lasting upbeat changes, boosting your power and understanding of your current self.

Fit and Trim Power Now!
Consider yourself a giant tree whose leaves are 100-dollar bills. As you mature through life, those leaves are being plucked because you surrendered to the marketing of foods, beverages, and Pharmaceuticals.
Embark on a transformative journey with our Fit and Trim Power Now! training program designed to bring about positive changes in your mental and physical well-being. See firsthand how making different choices for your food and beverage intake will rapidly reshape your body and your outlook. Our third-mile walking track and a half-mile elevation ridge trail will kick-start your movement.

Professional Sales Training for Prosperity
Are you in sales or have a business selling, and do you interact with real people?
Whether it’s B2B or B2C, how and what you communicate about your product or service is directly related to your level of prosperity.
Learn top-performer mindsets, techniques, communication, and presentation skills to increase your sales prosperity.